The availability of skilled labor is a major factor in helping business executives and economic development consultants identify the best locations for expansion and relocation. Utilizing the NCRC system not only identifies the skills necessary for a qualified workforce, but also provides a framework for maintaining or improving those skills. This skill level data can be used to target training efforts, improve high school graduation rates, educate individuals and businesses regarding the value of an NCRC, or address other specific local workforce issues.

Accept the certificate in lieu of a high school diploma or GED® credential.Recognize certificate possession as a motivation or soft skills indicator.Recognize the certificate when presented by an applicant.The following are ways you might utilize this credential: The NCRC is a versatile tool you can recognize in your hiring practices. It takes a certain level of motivation to complete the NCRC which can be an insight into the applicant’s seriousness and commitment of staying on the job. The NCRC will help in reducing employee turnover by ensuring employees have the basic skills necessary to be effective on the job and make a good match the first time.

You can also use the possession of the NCRC as a “preferred” factor to help make promotion decisions. You will then be able to target your training budget for job-specific skill training, rather than basic foundational employability skills. You will decrease training time and costs by hiring people who have verified their skills and have the foundational basis for training.

Don’t consider it a way to eliminate applicants instead, use the NCRC as a tool to match applicant skill sets to your hiring needs. The NCRC reliably measures core employability skills to ensure you hire only the most qualified, trainable candidates.